Below is what Jayagandi Jayaraj (jaya@thestar,com,my) wrote about Miss Malaysia World 2009, Thanuja Ananthan, on the latter’s love for animals (Page M2, The Star, 3 March 2010).
“She adores animals and would support any initiative that fights for the betterment of animals”.
“She had two dogs, eight cats, a sugar glider and rabbits at home.”
“She was given the opportunity to pose for an ad campaign by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently”. I remember Amber Chia, a popular model, also did the same thing in 2009.
What Miss Thanuja and Amber Chia did was good to assist raising awareness to inspire others to be kind to animals. Not many celebrities are ready to do so.
I would like to suggest Thanuja and Amber Chia take a bold step in not taking any more animal food to fully show their love for animals if they have not done yet. You can only be a complete angel to animals when you do not consume their meat.
If Thanuja and Amber Chia are willing to do so or have done so, I am very sure their beauty will last for a long time even without using cosmetics, besides attaining good health.
I also hope Thanuja, Amber Chia and those at PETA (www.petaasiapacific.com) have a chance to read this message in Diary 45 “Miss Malaysia An Angel to Animals” in http://drlimhinfui.blogspot.com
May all animals be loved.
To have more information on why you need to consider giving up meat, read the book (picture) by John Robbins.
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