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Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)
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Eating for Good Health (2010)

Eating for Good Health (2010)
3nd Edition 2010. The contents of this book are in this blog (subheadings in Blog Archive from October 2009 till January 2010) for free reading. This is a non-commercial book and is not available in major commercial book stores. If you wish to own a hard copy, kindly contact the author at: drlimhf@gmail.com or 012-3615905

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Potassium-Rich and Sodium-Rich Food

Knowing different alkaline and acidic food does not ensure a healthy body. You need to understand the potassium and sodium ratio in food. Every type of food contains both potassium and sodium, but in varying amounts. The potassium and sodium contents in the food are going to affect your health for the rest of your life. The ratio of potassium and sodium in food is emphasized because

“it plays a role not only in cancer but also in high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes, etc. In animal studies it was observed that when salt was added to food, the blood pressure rose, but when potassium was added, the blood pressure came down. It is not enough to reduce salt intake, one must also increase potassium intake” (Lai 1993).

Where can you get potassium-rich food? According to Lai (1993), “the high potassium foods are vegetables and fruits, with K/Na ratio highest for soy beans, banana, pumpkin, etc. The poor potassium sources are animals or processed food, with K/Na ratio less than 1, including candies, cookies, canned foods, bread and bacon”. See Lai, C.N. (1993). The Pursuit of Life. Singapore: Lapis Lazuli Light.

List of selected potassium-rich foods (vegetables and fruits)
(1) Vegetables: Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Mushrooms, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet potato, Tomato
(2) Fruits: Apple, Banana, Grapes, Guavas, Lemon, Orange, Papaya
(3) Grains, bread & pasta: Barley, Oatmeal, Brown rice, Whole grain rye
(4) Nuts & Seeds (Shelled): Almond, Brazil, Cashew, Sesame, Sun flower seed, Walnut
(5) Beans: Lentils, Mung bean, Peas (whole), Red beans, Soya beans

List of selected sodium-rich foods
(1) Meat & fish: Bacon, Pork, ham, Lobster, Tuna (canned), Pork, sausage
(2) Canned vegetables: Corn, Peas, Asparagus
(3) Cookies: Biscuits, White bread, Cheese, Cake (plain), Candy, Cookies (assorted), Pies (apple)
(4) Dairy products: Butter, Eggs

What happened if one takes little potassium-rich food? A colleague of mine was hospitalised and placed in ICU for a few days as he could not move his legs in mid-2009. He was reminded by the medical doctor that his weak legs are related to not choosing potassium-rich food in daily food consumption.

1 comment:

  1. nice article about potassium...very informative and beneficial for health
