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Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)
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Eating for Good Health (2010)

Eating for Good Health (2010)
3nd Edition 2010. The contents of this book are in this blog (subheadings in Blog Archive from October 2009 till January 2010) for free reading. This is a non-commercial book and is not available in major commercial book stores. If you wish to own a hard copy, kindly contact the author at: drlimhf@gmail.com or 012-3615905

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What Causes Diseases?

Diseases do not occur easily. Other infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria entering the body are “caused in general, by toxic substances manufactured by the disturbed organs themselves or by toxic material in food and air” (Bieler 1965). See Bieler, H. (1965). Food is the Best Medicine. New York: Ballantine Books.

Our body has various adaptive mechanisms that can clear a normal amount of toxic substances. However, when “these safety channels are clogged, overburdened or suppressed, the vital force can no longer slowly and safely maintain harmony, and disease results” (Trattler 2001). The causes of disease listed by Trattler (2001) are as follows: See Trattler, R. (2001). Better Health Through Natural Healing: How to get well without drugs or surgery? Australia: Hinkler Books.

Accumulation of toxic material in the body. While it is acknowledged that other causes do exist, most factors that predispose a person to disease result from an accumulation of poisonous substances in the body which, when the channels of elimination cannot adequately remove them, will invariably initiate a disease process. These accumulations ultimately lead to changes within the cell and eventually within the whole body.

Incorrect or unbalanced diet. Modern food processing and refining leads to an unbalanced, low-fibre, unnatural diet which drastically decreases the nutrient value of food. Excessive use of mineral fertilizer can upset the natural balance of the soil, producing nutritionally inferior and deficient food. Pesticides and additives place a further burden on the body to detoxify unwanted and poisonous substances. Improper diet is a major cause of nearly all forms of diseases.

Improper posture and body mechanics. Habit, poor muscle tone, accident or injury may interfere with normal nervous activity or the circulation of the blood and lymph, leading to tissue degeneration and defective function.

Destructive emotions. Fear, anxiety, hate, self-pity and resentment can affect the body by upsetting digestion, blood flow, hormone balance and the general biochemistry of the entire body.

Administration of suppressive drugs and vaccines. This inhibits the eliminative efforts of the body by placing further demands on it for drug detoxification is a growing cause of disease. Many drugs and vaccines in particular, can cause allergic reactions, chronic allergies and other long-term health problems.

Excessive use of alcohol, coffee and tobacco. These social drugs, although widely accepted and used, are major factors in many disease processes. They can severely damage the liver, lungs, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands, and other parts of the body and mind.

Environmental causes. The air, water and soil are becoming more susceptible to pollution as population increases and we continue to treat the earth without proper respect.

Occupational hazards. Chemical contact and poor air quality are common factors in declining health.

Certain inherited factors. These weaknesses only become evident when the body comes under stress from one or more of the other causes of disease above.

Parasitic, viral or germ infection. This is not a primary cause of disease but rather its result. Pasteur, the father of the germ theory, stated “The germ is nothing, the soil is everything”, meaning that a germ can only thrive in a suitable environment. The body is host to millions of micro-organisms, some beneficial, others pathogenic. If ‘harmful’ bacteria are allowed to multiply, then typical symptoms of disease result.

Among the various causes of illnesses and diseases, acidic food is a major and often determining cause. Consumption of too much acidic food leads to accumulation of toxic materials within the body. This accumulation of toxic material is due to poor circulation, poor elimination and lack of exercise.

When the doctor informs you that your uric acid is high, it is a signal that you should take care of your diet. It simply means that when the uric acid is high, all the cells in your body have become acidic. What follow would then be modern diseases and illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease and even cancer.

What we eat is supposed to uplift our energy level to face the various challenges in modern society. Unfortunately, the food we consume daily is more acidic than food consumed 100 years ago. We are so busy with our daily chores that we hardly observe the food we take. More and more chemicals are added to our food just to satisfy our taste. Many urbanites turn to fast food for lunch and dinner. Such food weakens our body’s immune system to fight various diseases and illnesses. The acidic food is indeed killing us slowly without realizing it. Very often, acidic food causes normal discomforts such as headache, body ache, running nose and fever. These are the symptoms that the body has become acidic and this could lead to other more serious health problems. Hence, it is not uncommon to find people with high blood pressure and later diabetes, heart and kidney diseases. Below are the inter-linkages among some common diseases.
High blood pressure: long-term high blood pressure may lead to heart diseases.
Diabetes: too high sugar and fat levels in the blood have higher chance of heart diseases.
Obesity: This could lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and consequently brings about heart diseases and stroke.

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