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Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)
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Eating for Good Health (2010)

Eating for Good Health (2010)
3nd Edition 2010. The contents of this book are in this blog (subheadings in Blog Archive from October 2009 till January 2010) for free reading. This is a non-commercial book and is not available in major commercial book stores. If you wish to own a hard copy, kindly contact the author at: drlimhf@gmail.com or 012-3615905

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ultimate Health 4: Effectiveness of Health Food

The consumption of health food helps to prevent diseases as indicated by the following medical evidences (Kushi & Jack 2003). See Kushi, M. & Jack, A. (2003). The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health. New York: Ballantine Books.

Plant foods protect against cataracts
Vegetarian women have fewer gallstones
Plant foods protect against urinary imbalances
The taking of miso soup protects against heart disease
The Macrobiotic diet protects against elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure
Macrobiotic practitioners have healthier hearts than trained athletes
Whole grains and vitamin E-rich foods may protect against asthma
Healthy diet may help lift depression and decrease aggressive hostility
Grains and vegetables may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Diet high in vegetables protects against Parkinson’s disease
Whole grain diet protects against diabetes
Whole grains protect against duodenal ulcer
South African diet (low in fat and high in fibre) protects against haemorrhoids

Furthermore, medical research also revealed that “vegetarians and vegan (vegetarians who consume no dairy products or eggs) not only have far less heart disease but also have lower rates of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, gallstones, kidney disease, obesity and colon disease. They live on average six to ten years longer than the rest of the population, and in fact seem to be healthier by every measurement we have of assessing health outcomes (Robbins 2001). See Robbins, J. (2001). The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your life and the World. Mumbai: Magna Publishing Co. Ltd.

The importance of health food in disease prevention is also emphasised by the Minister of Health Malaysia, who pointed out the statistics that (Sin Chew Daily, 11 February 2007):

1. About one-third of cancer cases could be prevented via healthy eating habits, maintenance of suitable body weight and regular exercise.
2. About 80% of the cardiovascular disease is related to unhealthy eating habit, lack of exercise and smoking.

People taking the Mediterranean diet (still commonly found in Spain, Southern France, Italy, Dalmatia and Greece), dominated by the consumption of olive oil, lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereal, moderate consumption of fish, milk and dairy products and low consumption of meat and meat products, had very low rates of coronary heart disease (Renaud 1997, Lorgeril et al. 2002, Panagiotakos et al. 2005, Mackenbach 2007). Research findings also showed the adoption of the Mediterranean diet is associated with the reduction of the risk of developing acute coronary syndromes and also normotensive people as well as in people who are unaware of their condition (Panagiotakos et al. 2002). This shows that it helps to keep us healthy if we gradually let go of or reduce the foods which are harmful to our health and replace them with more beneficial foods such as vegetables and fruits. See Renaud, S.C. (1997). “Dietary management of cardiovascular diseases”, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 57 (4 & 5): 423-427; Lorgeril, M. d., Salen, P., Paillard, F., Laporte, F., Boucher, F. & Leiris, J.D. (2002). ”Mediterranean diet and the French paradox: two distinct biogeographic concepts for one consolidated scientific theory on the role of nutrition in coronary heart disease”, Cardiovascular Research 54: 503-515, www.elsevier.com/locate/cardiores; Panagiotakos, D., Chrysohoou, C., Pitsavos, C., Tzioumis, K., Papaioannou, I., Stefanadis, C. & Toutouzas, P. (2002). “The association of Mediterranean diet with low risk of acute coronary syndromes in hypertensive subjects”, International Journal of Cardiology 82: 141-147, www.elsevier.com/locate/ijcard; Panagiotakos, D., Pitsavos C., Matalas, A.L., Chrysohoou, C., & Stefanadis, C. (2005). “Geographical influences on the association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the prevalence of acute coronary syndromes in Greece: the CARDIO2000 study”, International Journal of Cardiology 100: 135-142, www.elsevier.com/locate/ijcard

Why is this so? Scientists have discovered that there are in foods “at least a thousand substances–phytochemicals, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, retinols, isoflavones, lycopene, genistein and so on–that have anti-cancer, anti-heart disease, and anti-aging properties. Where are these important substances found? With few exceptions, they are in fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, including soy products” (Ornish 2001). See Ornish, D. 2001. “Foreword”. Pp. xiii-xvii. In Robbins J., The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your life and the World. Mumbai: Magna Publishing Co. Ltd.

Would the adoption of health food guarantee a 100% health recovery? Is the case of the cancer recovery of my father-in-law exceptional? The following cases on the practice of Macrobiotic diet or health diet provided useful references (Kushi & Jack 2003).
Cancer totally disappeared and the person was still alive and cancer-free 10 and 20 years after the diagnosis of ‘terminal’ cancer.
Recovery from heart attack
Reduces blood pressure
Relieves migraines
Improves hearing
Stabilizes osteoporosis

Among the Chinese in Asia, cases have also shown that the taking of health food has assisted in cancer recovery after the patients had undergone various conventional treatments (Lin 2002, Jiang 2002). See Lin, K. Z. (2002). Healthy Without Toxin. Taipei: Cool Books. (In Chinese): Jiang, S.H. (2002). Well Treat Cancer Brings Health. Taipei: Yuan Shen Press. (In Chinese)

It is important to note that while conventional medication cannot guarantee cancer recovery, the same can be said of health food. Cancer cannot be reversed by natural means once health food could not reverse cancer but it assisted the patients living a meaningful life and passing away peacefully (Jiang 2002).

What should we do then when we are diagnosed with cancer? It is best to discuss the positive and negative effects of conventional treatment with doctors. For verification, you may want to read more on cancer treatments–conventional and natural. You may seek the view of professional natural health food consultant. You may even want to consult cancer survivors. You may then consider what treatment(s) to be adopted. In most cases, the decision is conventional treatment to be followed by the consumption of health food.

When health food is not able to reclaim your health entirely, it may be due to other reasons. You may need to examine the following possible influences.
Genetic influences. Some peoples have stronger organs, others weaker. The latter category is more easily affected by toxicity.
Physical environment influences. If we are working in a place where lots of chemicals are used or stored, or living in a location where the environment is polluted by the nearby industrial activities, these could have a strong impact on our health. Health is also affected by the lack of fresh air in the living environment.
Social environment influences. If we work in a social environment emphasising ‘survival of the fittest’ with little care for others, we cannot expect a smooth health recovery. Our ability to handle stress, work, family or personal relationships also affects our health.
Habitual influences. These include smoking, consumption of alcohol and lack of exercise.
Medicinal influences. If you are taking many types of medicines (modern or alternative), health could be affected.
Religious influences. These include disturbance by spirits, individual’s karma and God’s decision.

It is equally important to note that consumption of health food may not bring instant results. If we change our food habit today, we should not expect immediate effects, not even after a week. Health food is not the same as modern pharmaceutical drugs. We may have to wait about four months to see health improvement. This is because the life cycle of the red blood cells is about 120 days. Blood test analysis would show the results after four months.

Health food is not panacea for all ailments. If the vital organs in our body are damaged beyond their ability to function, food as medicine may not work. For example, if we have a broken leg, damaged kidney or vision loss, it is unwise to expect health food to heal it. These are best managed by the medical doctors. For this reason, my father-in-law underwent a back bone operation in mid-2007.

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