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Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)
Ini adalah buku kesihatan saya. Kandungannya telah dimuatkan dalam blog ini pada 10 Sept 2010 sempena Hari Raya Puasa. Buku ini bukan diterbitkan untuk tujuan komersial dan tidak dipasarkan melalui kedai-kedai buku terkenal. Jika anda ingin memperolehi satu naskah, sila hubungi pengarang di drlimhf@gmail.com atau 012-3615905

Eating for Good Health (2010)

Eating for Good Health (2010)
3nd Edition 2010. The contents of this book are in this blog (subheadings in Blog Archive from October 2009 till January 2010) for free reading. This is a non-commercial book and is not available in major commercial book stores. If you wish to own a hard copy, kindly contact the author at: drlimhf@gmail.com or 012-3615905

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cancer Part 11 – The Peaceful Departure

In the long run, it seems that cancer is irreversible. There is probably no cure for cancer, we can only temporarily kill some of the cancer cells with drugs or control it with health food. My father-in-law underwent a back bone operation in mid-2007. According to the orthopaedist, his cancer cells were active again (his PSA reached 3,350 μg/l before the operation), causing pain to the back bone. His PSA fell to 1,950 μg/l after the operation and he was regarded a terminal cancer patient. The urologist advised radiotherapy and drugs to prolong his life, probably for another three to six months. After weighing the pros and cons, my father-in-law decided not to go for radiotherapy and also declined the suggestion to take anti-cancer drugs. He felt that health food is the best medicine, without any side effects. Our principle was to seek peaceful co-existence with cancer cells instead of fighting them. By taking health food, we hoped the cancer cells would not multiply too rapidly. He survived the test of time in 2007.

In 2008, his health condition deteriorated. In July 2008, he underwent an operation to enable smooth urination. By then, his PSA rose to more than 4,000 μg/l). In October 2008, he had problem urinating again and was warded in a government hospital. He was weak. We knew and accepted that his days were numbered. We were helping him to live a happy and peaceful life, before he moved on to the next life. We shared with him the words a cancer patient before passing away that “Death is but the beginning of something else…is just a change of energy phase”.

The final moment of his life finally came. My father-in-law passed away peacefully on 1 January 2009. You may wish to know what happened on his last day.
7.50 a.m.: He ate half a slice of bread, having not taken any solid food the day before.
9.00 a.m.: Feeling hungry, he took some oat milk.
9.00 a.m.–2 p.m. He drank one spoon of water every half an hour. He complained that his back was hot. The family helped him to turn side ways, fanned him for a few seconds and stopped as pain was unbearable.
2.30 p.m.: He could no longer eat or drink. He was quiet most of the time. His eyes were closed.
4.30 p.m.: We agreed that no one was to cry in front of him to ensure a peaceful departure for him. The family members began to recite religious verses. In the process, each of the family members (his wife, two of his three sons, his daughter, his elder daughter-in-law, four of his seven grandchildren and me) took turns to bid goodbye and thanked him for all the good deeds, advice and guidance. I expressed my gratitude for the chance to meet his family and later became his son-in-law. He has given me the most valuable gift in life—allowing her daughter to befriend and marry me even though she is 10 years younger. In the meantime, we assured him that his youngest son was rushing back to meet him. We told him to hang on so that he could fulfil his wish to meet his youngest son for the last time. In this way, his journey in this life would be complete.
6.15 p.m.: His youngest son arrived. He glanced at his son for a moment before closing his eyes again. He shed a few drops of tears which were wiped away by his son. I then told him that it was alright to go.
6.30 p.m.: Amidst religious recitation, his breath slowed down and he departed peacefully—no fear, no screaming, no struggle, no pain, no clinging. His wishes to meet his youngest son and to die at home were fulfilled.
6.30 p.m.–3.00 a.m.: Family members took turn to continue recite religious verses for him before he was placed into the coffin. At 9.35 p.m., his mouth closed. From that time onwards, a grey moth was seen flying in his bedroom most of the time. It also flew to other bedrooms. It left after 1.00 a.m. and did not appear again.

It was a peaceful ending for him. He was a hero. He had trodden the path least travelled by cancer patients and an area little known to medical science. He sought treatment through the unconventional way, i.e. through health food, complemented by emotional and spiritual support. He survived prostate cancer for 13 years, without radiotherapy and chemotherapy, much longer than the time predicted by the urologist in 1996. His life story is worth sharing, especially with those facing cancer.

Our decision to switch to health food has brought wonderful changes in our lives. For me, the joy of life is beyond words as we walk the healthy path. I realise that we have to take care of our health to lead a quality life. This quality life has enriched my personal life. I hardly face any serious illness these days and do not have to take medicine as well as medical leave since 1997. As a result, I have more energy to perform better in my work.

Managing cancer the natural way has been a very challenging process. We not only need to take care of the food intake, but equally important are the emotional and spiritual aspects of the patient. Those taking care of the patient have to be emotionally stable too to handle the changing moods of the sensitive patient. It has to be done with great love and great compassion.

All in all, I am grateful to all the people and things in life. I have little or no complaints. To me, we are all inter-related in one way or another, directly or indirectly. My existence is because of your existence. You are part of my life. It is my social responsibility to share this knowledge and experience with you via this blog.

We appreciate if you could help disseminating the health information to those you loved and care. The updated information in this blog (http://drlimhinfui.blogspot.com) is for FREE reading. Should you or they need to own a hard copy, you have to purchase it at a reasonable price by just sending me an email at samarata2007@gmail.com

Best health to all in your families!

Best health to all in the universe!

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