
免费阅读本书的内容, 请看 2011年3月26日部落的整本书. 此书非商业方式出版,不在商业书店售卖。想得到此书的朋友,请联络作者林廷辉博士 drlimhf@gmail.com 012-3615905

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)

Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (2011)
Ini adalah buku kesihatan saya. Kandungannya telah dimuatkan dalam blog ini pada 10 Sept 2010 sempena Hari Raya Puasa. Buku ini bukan diterbitkan untuk tujuan komersial dan tidak dipasarkan melalui kedai-kedai buku terkenal. Jika anda ingin memperolehi satu naskah, sila hubungi pengarang di drlimhf@gmail.com atau 012-3615905

Eating for Good Health (2010)

Eating for Good Health (2010)
3nd Edition 2010. The contents of this book are in this blog (subheadings in Blog Archive from October 2009 till January 2010) for free reading. This is a non-commercial book and is not available in major commercial book stores. If you wish to own a hard copy, kindly contact the author at: drlimhf@gmail.com or 012-3615905

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why I Switch to Health Food

We all have turning points in our life. Before 1996, like many others, my family left our health matters to doctors, pharmacists and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. We believed that they are professionals who know best about health and treatment of various diseases and illnesses. I had to visit the clinics on average every four to five months, seeking treatment for fever, cough and backache. For each treatment, I was given two days’ medical leave, pills, cough concoction and antibiotics. I was reminded that all medicines, especially the antibiotics, have to be completely consumed. It took a week for me to completely recover. We also took food supplements to improve our health. It did not provide the long-term solution to my health. I have to visit the doctors again when the illness recurred after a few months. The same happened to my wife.

We continued to live a normal life like the vast majority of the people, enjoying food and its taste. We exchanged information on the best and most tasteful food available. Our daily main dishes included meat, eggs, dairy products, white rice and vegetables. To enhance the taste, we used white salt, white sugar, mono sodium glutamate (MSG) and sauce. We did not realize that these are the foods that could cause diseases and illnesses.

The big change came in 1996 when my father-in-law was diagnosed with prostate cancer. That was the turning point in my life. We began to switch to health food (i.e. vegetarian food) to save my father-in-law’s life. The most important thing was that he survived cancer for 13 years, without any modern or traditional medication for his prostate cancer. Health food has played a crucial role in reclaiming his health.

The taking of health food has also resulted in good health for my own nuclear family members and my mother-in-law who stayed with us since 1996. This could be observed from the gradual decline in the frequency of our dependence on modern medicine over the years until it reaches “zero” level for four nuclear family members (i.e. my wife, my daughter, my son and myself). I have not visited a clinic since 1997. My seven-year-old son has grown up well and he visited the clinic only once since birth. Isn’t this a wonderful and amazing thing that could happen to a family? Isn’t it worthy sharing how we achieve good health via consuming health food with all of you?

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